When you will jailbreak iOS using checkra1n or any other software of choice it can happen that installed apps from the AppStore will crash. Tweaks Manager will hide the jailbreak from apps or disable tweaks apps access. Download Tweaks Manager from Cydia Repo for iOS 10 - iOS 13.
What is Tweaks Manager?
Tweaks Manager is a free jailbreak tweak allowing you to disable jailbreak tweaks modifying apps on iOS devices. Disable the access of tools and apps that prevent you from using them if you are running a jailbroken device. Tweaks Manager is packed with two options: disable tweaks, and hide jailbreak.

After installing the tweak from the official repository it adds a preference pane to the Settings app. From there you can easily manage all system and user-installed applications. Select an app and disable all tweaks (including application accessibility) or activate hide jailbreak detection feature.
When you hide jailbreak detection and the app is still not working it's recommended to use the diable all tweaks feature instead. Tweaks Manager allows you to configure all settings separately for every installed in the system app. This is a great jailbreak detection bypass tool available for free.
Tweaks Manager can also help you to hide the jailbreak from installed iOS games. If you have a problem with running a game after jailbreaking iOS try this tweak to fix the issue.
How to install Tweaks Manager repo
After jailbreaking iOS using tools like unc0ver or checkra1n you are just a few steps from installing the tweak. To add Tweaks Manager Repo to your list of Cydia Sources follow our step-by-step guide.
Step 1. Open the Cydia app on your device.
Step 2. Tap Sources → Edit → Add the official Tweaks Manager repo.
Step 3. Switch to Search Tab and enter Tweaks Manager.
Step 4. Tap the Install button.
Step 5. Configure the tweak from Settings → Tweaks Manager.

Version 1.2-3
- Add the azflibrary
Version 1.2-2
- Fix the problem of settings in A13/A12 /Read the description is good
Version 1.2-1
- Improved jailbreak masking
- Fix the settings problem
Version 1.2
- Fix the jailbreak hide problem