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Terms-of-Service Agreement

I. General Provisions

  1. Each user hereinafter referred to as the software hub, shall comply with the Terms-of-Service Agreement.
  2. Each user is responsible for their own written comments.
  3. Technical problems, violations, and suggestions related to the software hub should be submitted using the form on the contact page.
  4. In case of not upgrading web browsers, some pages available on Portal may be displayed incorrectly.

II. Copyrights

  1. Copying, reproducing texts, or some elements from the software hub, in whole or in part without written permission is disallowed.
  2. Editors publishing any material on software hub based on information published in other sources are always mentioning the sources with relevant links. The purpose of the software hub is to promote apps, which are characterized by high value among all users of the website.

III. Responsibility

  1. Editors do not take any responsibility for decisions that users take based on information available on the software hub.
  2. Editors of the software hub do not liable for any responsibility for user comments.

IV. Comments

  1. Each user can comment on the content published on the website through the comment form.
  2. All statements in comments should be formulated in a courteous manner, respecting other participants in discussion and their separate positions.
  3. Comments submitted by users can appear with a delay because they must be approved by a moderator.
  4. When the rules are not burdensome violated, editors may replace selected words and publish the comment online.
  5. Website editors and ColorBOX are not responsible for the content of comments published by users.

V. Trademarks, identifiers, and registered trademarks

  1. All registered names and logos of companies appearing in materials available on the software hub are used for identification purposes only.