Zebra is a basic package manager that offers all features you need to download and install your favorite jailbreak apps and tweaks from repositories. It is pretty fast and it was designed to work on iOS 8 up to iOS 13. Zebra can be installed for free from the official Cydia Repository.
Content Summary
What is Zebra Package Manager?
Zebra Package Manager is a great Cydia alternative app available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod. You can add new sources, view available packages and upgrades, add tweaks to wishlist, manage stores, and search for apps and tweaks. With every next release, the app offers much more features to enjoy.

Zebra is completely open-source and located on GitHub. This source can be added to Cydia on your iPhone or iPad and it is included by default with Zebra to provide future updates. Zebra also contains support for paid packages using the Sileo API and recognizes repositories with app stores.
Managing sources was never easier. The package manager offers an option to add one repository a time, or multiple from a text list. This will definitely speed up setting up the app. Moreover, there is also an option to import Cydia Sources with one click to the Zebra Package Manager app.

Zebra is available in dark and normal mode. From Settings, you can switch tint color (blue, orange, white), change the app icon, select the dark mode (default, OLED, iOS 13), and clear image and keychain cache. The Home Page can also display jailbreak news and a list of featured packages.
Zebra Package Manager Repo
You are just a few steps from installing the tweak from Cydia Sources. To add Zebra Repo to your list of Cydia Sources follow our step-by-step guide.
Step 1. Open the Cydia app on your device.
Step 2. Tap Sources → Edit → Add the official Zebra Repo.
Step 3. Switch to Search Tab and enter Zebra.
Step 4. Tap the Install button.

Download Zebra Package Manager IPA
Or download Zebra IPA file and sign it using Cydia Impactor (Windows, Linux, Mac) and sideload the app. We provide a full step-by-step guide on How to use Cydia Impactor to install IPA files on iOS.
Step 1. Download Cydia Impactor, and unzip the file.
Step 2. Download Zebra.IPA (6 MB).
Step 3. Open Cydia Impactor and navigate to Device → Install Package.
Step 4. Select Zebra IPA version 1.1.1 file to install.

Step 6. Enter your AppleID and app-specific password to sign apps not provided by Apple.
Step 7. Add the certificate to trusted from Settings → General → Device Management.
Impactor allows you to install max 3 apps on your device. Every 7 days after signing, you will have to connect your iPhone to your computer and repeat the install process, however, you do not have to delete the apps.
Zebra Package Manager 1.1.8
- Fixed an issue with source URLs from the clipboard not having a / on the end of them
- Fixed an issue with status bar style when an alert is presented on iOS 12 and lower
- Fixed an issue that caused some tweaks to interfere with Zebra's downloads so "Downloading Packages" would appear infinitely
Zebra Package Manager 1.1.1
- Added an option to "Always Install Latest" so that the latest version of a package will always be installed if it has multiple versions fixed issues with tab bar occluding content in table views
- Fixed some issues with discoloration in the navigation bars
- Post tags will no longer display in reddit cells twice
- Corrected the depiction link for Zebra's control file
- Fixed several issues relating to UI on iOS 10 and below
- Fixed several issues relating to dark mode on iOS 12 and below
- Source import page will no longer display an active "Import" button if there are no sources to import
- Fixed a few crashes relating to the context menus and edit actions on the account page
- Disabled crashlytics screen reporting causing frequent network activity when using Zebra
- Fixed a crash when comparing two ZBBaseSource objects
- Fixed a bug where Zebra's user agent did not match its normal one when authorizing downloads
- Fixed a bug where "Installed Files" would show up in the depiction of a .deb file imported into Zebra
- Fixed a bug where packages on the Changes tab would show up as new when refreshing sources
- Fixed a bug where Zebra would update its database on every open on some devices
Zebra Package Manager 1.1
- Goodbye, clutter! You can now filter out packages and authors from your Changes page that you don't want to see.
- Import sources with ease. We've created a new "Import Sources" view to allow selecting sources that will be imported from another package manager or a previously exported source file.
- Life (and Zebras) isn't always Black and White. Choose from a variety of different accent colors to customize your Zebra experience.
- Now, what was its name? A new detailed search tab helps you find the package you're looking for quickly and easily.
- Improved Payment API Support. We've reworked our payment API support to be more reliable so there is less confusion about purchasing packages.
- Parlez-vous français? You can now pick which language Zebra speaks instead of using your System Language.
- Context is important. Support for iOS 13's new Context Menus has been added into Zebra across the app.