
We all know that iPhone’s Now Playing widget is quite useful as it makes it convenient to control the media playback when the display screen is locked without the user having to unlock the device and launching the Now Playing app whenever you need to make a small modification.

However, we also have to agree that while Now Playing widget is extremely handy, it is quite large as well and takes up unnecessary space on the display screen. This is why we are particularly excited to announce about a new and free jailbreak tweak named as Vinyl that was developed by iOS developer Lightmann.

With the help of Vinyl, you can simply reduce the size of the Lock Screen’s Now Playing widget to a more manageable size and have a lot of amazing options to customize the widget’s aesthetics as well. Once you download this tweak, you will get a compact aesthetic of the Now Playing widget but after you install it, you get a dedicated preference pane added in the Settings app that can be used to easily configure the Now Playing widget on the Lock Screen howsoever you want.

In the Settings, you have the following options:

  • Turn on or off Vinyl whenever you want
  • Select what displays on the Now Playing widget from options like default, progress bar, volume bar, or both
  • Display or hide the connectivity button
  • Display or hide the standard route label
  • Adjust the media player and artwork corner radius using a slider
  • Modify the background opacity level and music control button spacing using the slider
  • Select your preferred text and music control color
  • Respring the device to save the changes you have made

Although you don’t need to respring your device to save all the changes that you have made but it is a nice addition by the developer in the preference pane.

With Vinyl, you can choose to keep an iOS or iPadOS-style appearance of the Now Playing widget or you can customize it to look like what you want. The best thing about this tweak is that it allows you to reclaim the wasted space on your display which can be used to show the missed notifications banner instead of a bloated Now Playing widget.

If you are interested in giving Vinyl a try, then you can download this tweak free of cost from the BigBoss repository using the favorite package manager. This tweak is currently supported on jailbroken iOS 12, 13, and 14 devices.

Would you like a compact and fully customized Now Playing widget? Do let us know your thoughts on this tweak in the comments below!