unc0ver jailbreak offers a lot of useful options to configure for iOS 11 - iOS 13. From the Setting page, you can Set Boot Nonce, Dump APTicket, Max Memory Limit, Disable Revokes, and more. Let's go through all unc0ver's settings to understand what each option does. Some settings don't require much explanation like Disable Updates, but others like Set CS_Debugged requires explanation.
unc0ver is one of the most popular tools to jailbreak iOS 11 and iOS 13.3. The app works now stable and offers a lot of useful features including the option to install Cydia, disable app revokes, and turn off auto-updates. When you navigate to the Settings page you will have access to plenty of options to have more control over the jailbreak tool. We present below the descriptions of the unc0ver settings.

unc0ver Settings
Load Tweaks
This option makes Substrate load extensions that are commonly referring to tweaks in newly started processes. Support: iOS 11 - 13.3 on arm64 SoCs (A7-A13).
Load Daemons
Load and lunch jailbreak daemons located in /Library/LunchDaemons and execute files located in /etc/rc.d. Support: iOS 11 - 13.3 on arm64/arm64e SoCs (A7-A13).
Dump APTicket
Create a copy of the system APTicked located in /System/ Library/ Caches/ apticket.der at its Documents directory which is accessible via iTunes File Sharing. Compatibility: iOS 11 - 13.3 on arm64/arm64e SoCs (A7-A13).
Refresh Icon Cache
Regenerate SpringBoard system application cache to cause newly installed .app bundles to appear on the icon list. Support:iOS 11 - 13.3 on arm64/arm64e SoCs (A7-A13).
Disable Updates
The jailbreak will effectively disable system software updates mechanism to prevent iOS from automatically upgrading to the latest firmware version which can be not supported by jailbreak. Compatibility: iOS 11 - 13.3 (A7-A13).
Disable Revokes
Turn off the system’s online certificate status protocol system to prevent enterprise certificates to be revoked. Support: iOS 11.0 - 11.4.1 arm64 SoCs (A7-A11).
Set Boot Nonce
This option makes the jailbreak set the persistent com.apple.system.boot-nonce veritable in non-volatile random access memory (NVRAM) which may be required to downgrade to unsigned iOS firmware. Support: iOS 11 - 13.3 arm64/arm64e SoCs (A7-A13).
Export TFP0
Use this option to modify the host-port to grant any process access to the host-priv-port. This option effectively grants any process to access the kernel tasks port (TFP0) and allows re-jailbreaking without exploiting again. Support: iOS 11-12.1.2 arm64/arm64e SoCs (A7-A12X).
This setting makes the jailbreak restore the root filesystem (RootFS) to the snapshot which is created by the system when the device is restored. Use this feature to remove jailbreak without losing data. Compatibility: iOS 11 - 13.3 on arm64/arm64e SoCs (A7-A13).
Max Memory Limit
Modify the jetsam configuration file to increase the memory limit that is enforced upon processes by Jetsam to the maximum value to effectively bypass the mechanism. Compatibility: iOS 11 - 13.3 (A7-A13).
(Re)Install OpenSSH
Reinstall the openssh package. Compatibility: iOS 11 - 13.3 on arm64 SoCs (A7-A13).
Reinstall Cydia
This option makes jailbreak to reinstall the cydiainstaller package. Support: iOS 11 - 13.3 (A7-A13).
Reload Daemons
The jailbreak reloads all running system daemons to make Substrate extensions (tweaks) load in them. Compatibility: iOS 11 - 13.3 (A7-A13).
Hide Log Window
Hide the jailbreak log console from the main window.
Reset Cydia Cache
Regenerate Cydia cache and the repository list. Useful when Cydia needs a reset. Support: iOS 11 - 13.3 (A7-A13).
SSH Only
Start SSH on on port 22 via dropbear and skip installing Cydia and Substrate. Compatibility: iOS 11.0-12.1.2 arm64/arm64e SoCs (A7-A12X).
Set get-task-allow
Dynamically enable the get-task-allow entitlement for a new process. This option makes dyld treat the processes unrestricted. Support: iOS 11.0-12.1.2 (A7-A12X).
Set CS_Debugged
The jailbreak will dynamically set the CS_DEBUGGED codesign flag for every new process. This option makes the kernel allow processes to run with individual executable pages. Compatibility: iOS 11.0-12.1.2 on arm64 SoCs (A7-A11).
Auto Respring
Automatically restart the SpringBoard without confirmation after the jailbreak process is completed. Compatibility: iOS 11.0-13.3 (A7-A13).
Read-Only RootFS
This option makes the jailbreak skip remounting the root filesystem as read-write when combined with the SSH-Only option. Support: iOS 11.0-12.4.1 (A7-A12X).