Telegram is a secure messaging app that has been updated with a lot of amazing features such as vanishing messages in a chat, as more and more users come to this app after being confused by WhatsApp’s new privacy policy change.
Auto-Delete Gobal Change
Vanishing messages have become the trend these days, which was earlier introduced to WhatsApp too, and is now applicable to all kinds of chats on Telegram as well. Earlier, auto-delete option was only available in Telegram’s Secret Chats but now, this option can be enabled for any chat.
If you wish to set a chat’s messages to vanish automatically after a day or a week, then you need to touch and hold the message, click on Select – Clear Chat – Enable Auto-Delete option. One thing to note is that this feature only works on the messages that have been sent after the feature was turned on. So, any message that you sent before turning on this feature won’t get automatically deleted.
You can check the countdown for the deletion time of a message if you touch and hold the message in the chat list.
Broadcast Groups and Expiring Links
With this Broadcast Groups feature, one can easily create group chats with unlimited number of members. And if you are worried about things going out of control, then you can always set the limit post creation of your Group to admins only. Voice chats are also available to every member of the Broadcast Group and is great for following news, interviews, casual talks, and so on.
There is another great feature known as expiring links that gives control on adding people to your group. Create invite links that will automatically expire after a certain period of time or use.
Widgets and Other Things
Now, you also have the option to add a Telegram widget to your iPhone’s Home Screen to easily access your important chats. This Chat widget will display the preview of the recent messages and the Shortcut widget will show the profile picture and the names.
Basically, when you tap on a message shown in the widget, it will directly launch the Telegram app for you. Apart from this, there are several other useful features in Telegram such as scannable QR codes, improved reporting system, new animated emoji, sorting imported messages through date, and a lot more.
End-to-End Encryption
So, is Telegram completely secure? Well, you can definitely make it secure if you know what to do. Since this is cloud-based software, it can easily introduce features such as Broadcast Groups and so on. It is worth noting that Secret Chats on the service are encrypted which means that these messages can only be viewed and decoded by users who are participating in the chat.