
A couple of days back, we had showed you a newly released, free jailbreak tweak known as CompactBatteryAvocado. This tweak helped the users in improving the overall look and feel of the Battery widget by including numerical percentage of the battery label for each item that is displayed inside the widget.

But we got to know that CompactBatteryAvocado is not the only jailbreak tweak that can help you customize your handset. There is a new jailbreak tweak in town known as RingPercentLabel by iOS developer P2KDev that solves the same problem although it has a slightly different aesthetic.

Similar to CompactBatteryAvocado, RingPercentLabel shows the numeric battery percentage labels to each item that appears in the Battery widget of iOS and iPadOS 14. These items can include the handset battery, Apple Watch, AirPods or AirPods Pro, Apple Pencil, and a lot more peripherals.

One important thing to note is that although RingPercentLabel looks much better than the original CompactBatteryAvocado tweak. However, the latter one has recently got an update so its aesthetics looks slightly similar to the RingPercentLabel aesthetics now.

Another thing to note is that RingPercentLabel doesn’t offer any configuration options to the users so, you just get what you see in the tweak. If you are interested in trying out this tweak, then you can easily get it for free from the Packix repository using the favorite package manager. It is currently supported on jailbroken iOS and iPadOS 14 devices only since the Battery widget of Apple is available on the latest versions of iOS and iPadOS 14 only.

Are you planning to upgrade your jailbroken handset’s Battery widget with the new RingPercentLabel tweak or are you going to pass it up? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!