Spotify fans have many reasons for choosing Spotify over Apple Music and justify why it is a better music streaming app. However, there is still a lot that can be improved in the Spotify app to make it user-friendly and helpful.
So, when a newly released jailbreak tweak was created by iOS developer Luki120 for Spotify, we just had to share the information with you.
PerfectSpotify is a free jailbreak tweak that allows any Spotify app user with a jailbroken phone to augment their Spotify app interface. Users can make a lot of customizations such as getting a better song library interface, removing unwanted items from the interface, and other things. Once you have installed this tweak, you will find a preference pane in your Settings option to configure the Spotify app to suit your requirements.
There are two customization categories available in the preference pane – Miscellanous and Now Playing UI. Apart from that, there is also a Kill Spotify button that you need to forcefully tap to manually restart the app in order to save the changes that you made. Here is slightly detailed information on all the options that are available in the customization categories of this new tweak.
With the Miscellanous preferences pane, you have the option to perform the following tasks:
- Enable the Car Mode
- Switch to the upgraded Library Interface
- Remove the Add Songs button
- Remove the Connect button
- Toggle lyrics
- Remove the Big Play Shuffle button
- Turn off Storylines feature
- Turn off the Status Bar in the UI
- Disable the Genius lyrics feature
Now Playing UI
With the Now Playing UI, you can perform the following customizations:
- Keep the Song/Artist text in the center
- Switch to a black interface for Now Playing
- Hide Queue button, Close button, Playlist name, Shuffle button, Like button, Devices button, Context button, Repeat button, Remaining Time indicator, Elapsed Time indicator, Artist/Song text, and so on.
You can make your Spotify app perfect for you by configuring it the way you like it and find it easy to use. Of course, your perfect will differ from another user’s perfect Spotify configurations and this is where this tweak comes in handy. If you wish to try this tweak, then you can simply download the PerfectSpotify tweak from the Twickd repository using their favorite package manager.
This tweak is supported on jailbroken devices with iOS 13 and 14 software that have the Spotify app installed on the devices. Do remember that this tweak only works for Spotify and no other music streaming apps. And if you are interested in learning the mechanics of PerfectSpotify or wish to further improve it, then you can check it out on the developer’s Github page as it is open-source software.
So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and check out this tweak now. And let us know in the comments if you are going to upgrade your Spotify app with this tweak or not.