nullxImpactor is the Cydia Impactor alternative for Mac based on AltServer created by rileytestut. The application allows you to sign and sideload IPA files to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch running iOS 10, iOS 11, iOS 12, or iOS 13. The only downside is that the IPA file must be hosted on a website.
If you need to sign IPA files and sideload apps on Mac OS there is a free working Cydia Impactor alternative called nullxImpactor. Use the app to sideload IPA files to your iOS device without revokes. Download nullxImpactor for macOS. @nullx is planning to release the app for Linux and Windows.
The new signing IPA tools require users to provide Apple ID and password to generate a working certificate. Enter an IPA URL link, connect your device via USB and click Install to start sideloading the package. Use this tool to install on your device any app including tweaks, and jailbreak tools.

All sideloaded apps using nullxImpactor are revoke-free, but still, the app comes with some limitation. When you are using a free Apple certificate you can sing 3 apps per device, and you can generate and use 7 days validity certificate only. When the apps will stop working it's required to re-sign the IPA.
nullxImpactor is quite similar to the AltDeploy tool. The app installs also an add-on for Mail.app that must be enabled from the mail client preferences. Once the add-on is enabled, you can use AltDeploy to sign IPA files. The Mail app must be open the entire time to allow you to sign IPA files.

Additionally, nullxImpactor offers access to useful toots that allow you to revoke all certificates, revoke all provisioning profiles, and get all apps ids. When you can't sign any new apps on your devices simply revoke the certificates and you ready to go. Moreover, provide cert name or own bundle id.
nullxImpactor for Windows or Linux is not available. On the official website, there is information that the release date for those platforms is undefined. We will update you about new releases.
nullXImpactor works with iOS 13.3 and lower or iOS 13.4 beta 3 or higher.
Download nullxImpactor
nullxImpactor is available for macOS, but there is also available a working solution to sign IPA files on Windows without running Cydia Impactor. Download nullxImpactor app and activate the Mail plugin.
Step 1. Download nullxImpactor.
Step 2. Extract the nullxImpactor.zip file.
Step 3. Open nullxImpactor.app.
Step 4. Run Mail.app and open Preferences → General → Manage Plug-ins.

Step 5. Activate AltPlugin.mailbundle and restart Mail.app.
How to use nullximpactor
nullxImpactor is a free Cydia Impactor Alternative app allowing you to side-load any IPA file from Mac. After you properly downloaded and installed the app it's really easy to sign and install IPA packages.
Step 1. Open nullxImpactor.app.
Step 2. Connect your iPhone via USB to Mac.
Step 3. Select an IPA to sideload.
Step 4. Click the Start button.
Step 5. Provide your Apple ID and password.

Step 6. Navigate to Settings → General → Device Management.
Step 7. Find the newly installed App Certificate and trust it.
Step 8. Run the installed app from your iPhone.
Version 1.0.1
- Added tools section with options to revoke certificates
Version 1.0
- Initial release