Hands-on with iOS 14.5's latest Apple Maps features

With iOS 14.5 comes a slew of new features, including the ability to report injuries, risks, and speed tests, as well as improved ETA sharing and refreshed guides. Continue reading to learn how to report injuries in Apple Maps and other useful information. ​

For many years, apps like Google Maps and Waze have provided useful features like accident and speed check reporting, so it's nice to see Apple Maps catching up with iOS 14.5.

Along with using Siri or your iPhone touchscreen to monitor injuries, risks, and speed tests, Apple Maps now allows users to share their ETA with others when walking or riding, and the guides' experience has been improved with a new design.

In Apple Maps, how do you report risks, speed tests, and accidents?

For the time being, accidents can only be recorded in the United States and China.

1. Use a Siri command like "there's a crash up ahead," "there's something on the track," "there's a speed check," or even "the accident has been cleared" while driving with Apple Maps navigation.

  • Siri will validate your request by saying something along the lines of "Well, sending report."

2. You should manually log accidents for passengers.

  • Choose Report by tapping the up arrow in the bottom right corner.
  • You can now choose "Accident," "Hazard," or "Speed Check" from the drop-down menu.
  • You can tap and select "Cleared" or "Still Her" for incidents that have already appeared on Apple Maps.

When walking/cycling and using CarPlay, share your Apple Maps ETA

  • With iOS 14.5, you'll see a brief choice to Share ETA at the bottom of your screen once you start walking or cycling directions.
  • Tap the up arrow in the bottom right corner if you don't see the temporary prompt.
  • Then choose Share ETA.
  • When using CarPlay with Siri or the keyboard, the Share ETA option is also open.
  • Check out our total guide for more information on the latest cycling directions that began rolling out with iOS 14.

Apple Maps guides have been updated

Apple Maps guides have been refreshed in iOS 14.5 as well. The new content includes rich edge-to-edge photos at the top and revamped save and share buttons.

  • Check for terms like "National Parks," "Best Hotels," and so on to find the latest guides.
  • Some guides will appear as collections near the top of the search results, while others will appear with photos near the bottom.
  • The redesigned "Save Guide" and "Share" choices are at the top, with some of them having a link to a similar website.