Welcome back to our weekly roundup of jailbreak tweaks and this week, we had some exciting additions to our jailbreak community. Here, we have listed down the top jailbreak tweaks of the past week and we will start with the popular jailbreak tweaks first followed by the rest of the tweaks.
So, read on to know more on what you might have missed out on this week.
Popular Jailbreak Tweaks of the Week

Arkita is a newly released jailbreak tweak that lets the users customize the aesthetics of the Lock Screen’s Now Playing widget in different ways. With this jailbreak tweak, you can easily colorize or resize the Now Playing widget so that it is both functional and looks aesthetically pleasing.

An add on for the AltStore app, Alt5tore allows direct downloads and updates of the unc0ver jailbreak app using the app when it is connected to the AltServer.
AV Orientation Lock

We all have experienced this that when we sit on our bed to watch videos and are often laying sideways, the iPhone display screen ends up rotating and becomes a little uncomfortable to watch.
Well, AV Orientation Lock is able to handle this problem as it adds a Rotational Lock button on the video player interface itself so that the user can enable it to prevent this kind of behavior.
JellyLock Reborn

Another popular jailbreak tweak to be released last week was JellyLock Reborn that is basically an upgraded version of the Android-based JellyLock tweak. This jailbreak tweak allows the jailbreakers to access the apps and the shortcuts directly from their Lock Screen using the drag and drop joystick interface.
Other Releases of the Week
CustomizeBW – If you wish to customize the look and feel of your device’s battery widget, then CustomizeBW is the perfect jailbreak tweak. This tweak can be availed for $2.00 from the Packix repository.
Buzz Pro – With this jailbreak tweak, you can customize the colors and the aesthetics of your iPhone’s Phone app. You can get this for $1.79 from the Twickd repository.
FuckMyHearing – Use this jailbreak tweak to disable the automatic volume reducing feature of iOS which is done to protect the hearing of the user. You can get this free from the Twickd repository.
Volify – Add a volume level slider with this jailbreak tweak to the Now Playing interface of Spotify app. It is free via ginsu repository.
MusicArtworkNoCorners – Get rid of the album artwork corner radius in your Apple Music app with this jailbreak tweak that you can get for free from ETHN’s repository.
Rasperry – Allows background playback for YouTube and YouTube Music app without needing an Premium subscription. This is a free jailbreak tweak from Twickd repository.
WAWordCopy – This jailbreak tweak lets the users to copy specific words from a message bubble in WhatsApp Messenger. It can be downloaded for free from the BigBoss repository.
DrkCord – You can use this jailbreak tweak to colorize your Discord app and can easily get it for $0.99 from the Twickd repository.