iPhone Landscape Mode: How To Get Perfect Light in Photos

The importance of light in landscape photography cannot be overstated. Landscape photos will appear dreary and lifeless if the lighting isn't right. But how do you get such beautiful light in your photos? Learn how to achieve excellent light in your landscape shots by reading this article of ours.

1. For Professional Landscape Photography, get the Horizon straight.

It can be difficult to get your Horizon correct, and it may seem pointless.

You must, however, complete the task. It would help if you straightened out your Horizon.

What is the significance of this? The harsh reality is that nothing says "amateur photographer" like a tilted horizon in a landscape shot.

Fortunately, there are two simple techniques to avoid a tilted horizon in the future.

The iPhone camera grid is used in the first method.

To begin, go to Settings, then Camera. Make sure the Grid is turned on.

Return to the Camera app and examine your iPhone. Gridlines should be visible across the screen.

So here's how you do it: Simply use the gridlines to align your Horizon. It's that simple. In the screenshot below, I oriented the Horizon in this manner.

But what if you've already shot photographs that are slanted? Is there any chance of getting these pictures back?

Yes, there is. Simply launch the Photos app and select the photo—select Edit.

After that, choose the Rotate tool. Keep your finger on the numerical scale underneath your image. Adjust the photo's angle by moving left or right.

Simply remove your finger from the screen after the snapshot has a straight horizon. Then press Done.

You'll never have a crooked photo again if you utilize these approaches.

2. For Beautiful Landscape Photography, stay away from Direct Sunlight.

What kind of light do you use in your landscape photography? Because poor lighting may wreak havoc on your landscape photography.

You could be at one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Your images will appear flat and lifeless if the lighting is poor.

What constitutes inadequate lighting? Bright sunshine is one type of lighting you should avoid, like the plague. That is, avoid the type of light that is present at noon on a sunny day.

Landscape photography suffers from direct sunlight. It comes with a set of problems, including:

  • Flare from the lens
  • Shadows that are very strong.
  • Whites that have been overexposed
  • Images that are hazy

As a result, avoid shooting in direct sunlight.

Instead, take pictures shortly after sunrise and shortly before nightfall.

There will be a golden glow to the light. And your photographs will be stunning. Take a look at the light in the image below: it's lovely and warm!

3. Capture Eye-Catching Skies for Eye-Catching Photographs

Do you wish to shoot spectacular landscapes? Do you desire landscape images that entice people to look at them?

Pay attention to the skies after that.

It's not just about taking stunning photos of the countryside when it comes to landscape photography. Clouds, sunsets, and weather can significantly impact the overall quality of a landscape photograph.

As a result, you must pay attention to weather prediction.

Do you prefer dramatic, moody photographs, for example? Then prefer shooting when the sky is stormy (this is especially effective if you're photographing rural landscapes).

Shoot on days with white, fluffy clouds if you want something more pleasant. That's how I came up with the image below.

Another factor to consider is the time of day.

When shooting in the middle of the day, the sky tends to look dull and lifeless. The heavens, on the other hand, come alive at sunrise and dusk. Pink and orange clouds appear. This is a photographer's dream come true.

What's the greatest way to achieve the best results? Capture breathtaking skies.