If you own the latest iOS 14 device, then you must know that they come with a colorful Status Bar-based dot indicators that let the users know when the device’s microphone or camera is being used. This is an amazing feature that helps in protecting the privacy of the users.
By default, when the camera is in use, the camera indicator dot is displayed in green color while the microphone indicator dot is displayed in the orange color. Sadly, there is no way to change these colors on a stock device. But if you are jailbroken, then you don’t have to stick to these default settings and can easily customize the colors of the indicator dots.
This is possible with the help of a newly released jailbreak tweak known as IndiColor by iOS developer smokin1337 and is completely free of cost. This jailbreak tweak allows the end user to select a custom color for the Status Bar’s camera and microphone indicator dots on the jailbroken iOS 14 devices.
Once you install IndiColor, a dedicated preference pane will be added to the Settings app from where you can configure the tweak to your liking. Here, you can do the following:
- Disable the Status Bar-based dot indicators all across the systems
- Disable the Status Bar-based dot indicators for the specific apps
- Choosing a custom color for the Status Bar’s microphone indicator dot
- Choosing a custom color for the Status Bar’s camera indicator dot
You need to respring the device to save the changes only in a few cases such as when you disable the dot indicators all across the system. As expected, these Status Bar-based indicator dots are available for iOS 14 devices only so, the tweak has been designed to run on jailbroken devices that run on iOS 14 only.
If you wish to try out this tweak for yourself, then you can easily get it for free from the Packix repository and can use any package manager that you like.
Which color would you be choosing as the Status Bar’s microphone and camera indicator dots? Let us know in the comment section below!