While reading an article online, you often stumble up an article that you find very interesting and want to save it to read it later, but how do you save articles in Chrome?
The method of saving articles from Chrome is very simple, and it often confuses many people, and if you are one of them, you do not need to worry anymore. Here is a step-by-step guide to download articles for offline reading from Chrome on your Android device and IOS device.
Saving article which you read from Chrome for offline viewing on Android device
Open Google Chrome from your android device and open the article which you want to save for viewing in offline mode also. To save the article, click on the vertical dots icon and click on the arrow indicating the download option.
If you do not find the download option in your Chrome, then download the latest version of Chrome. The article will be downloaded, and you will be able to access it easily in offline mode.
Saving article which you read from Chrome for offline viewing on an iOS device
To save your article on your iOS device to access offline viewing, open Google Chrome. Click on the vertical dots icon and select the share option. Select save your article will get saved in the reading list, and you can easily access it from there.
Saving article from Chrome as PDF
Open the Chrome browser and open the webpage you want to save. Click on the vertical dots icon and select the print button. You can also use the shortcut keys Ctrl+P.
A window will pop up with the print option. In the destination option, you can select the ‘save as PDF’ option and save the article as PDF. If you want to save only a few pages, then you can customize that also in the page option.
With the following methods, you can easily download a file for offline reading on your Android phone or iOS device. Saving the file for offline viewing can help in case you have exhausted your data or your mobile data has not been working properly.