DLEasy is a simple jailbreak tweak adding an option to download multimedia files from social media apps. Save images from Instagram or download YouTube videos for free. Download DLEasy tweak from official Cydia Repository for $1.99. The app is compatible with iOS 10 - iOS 12.
What is DLEasy?
DLEasy tweak allows you to download images and videos from social apps on iOS. The iOS tweak supports social apps like Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Reddit, TikTok, Tumblr, Tweetbot, Twitter, VK, WhatsApp, and YouTube. Use long press to save video or image to your iPhone.

DLEasy tweak is really easy to use and you can access all options from the preference pane in Settings app. Additionally, import video and audio from YouTube into Music app, save media in a custom album and download files in the background. Import for A12 devices does not work.
Moreover, the jailbreak tweak recognizes all available video resolutions allowing you to download files from 144p up to 1080p when available. The developer is updating the tweak all the time to add support for the latest version of all social apps. Remember to update the tweak.
If you are not running a jailbroken Apple device you can still download YouTube videos using an app like Cercube, save images from Twitter with Twitter++, etc. DLEasy is the one solution for all social media to download videos and images from all supported apps.
How to install DLEasy
You are just a few steps from installing the tweak from Cydia Sources. To add DLEasy Repository to your list of Cydia Sources follow our step-by-step guide.
Step 1. Open the Cydia app on your device.
Step 2. Tap Sources → Edit → Add the official repo https://repo.packix.com/
Step 3. Switch to Search Tab and enter DLEasy.
Step 4. Tap the Install button.
Step 5. The tweak can be configured from Settings → DLEasy.
Version 2.7.5
- Support the latest versions of all apps.
- Support import WhatsApp Audios to Music App.
- Fixed Apollo crash.
- Fixed "Internet connection" issue.
- Fixed many other issues.
Version 2.7.4
- Add support for the latest versions of apps.
- Support some language, all thanks to translators.
- Fix some other problems.
Version 2.7.3
- Support media sharing after downloading.
- Support display/save profile image in Instagram app.
- Fix some other problems.
Version 2.7.2
- Fix crash Instagram & Twitch.
- Support download multi items in Instagram at once.
- Support TikTok Asian version.
- Fix some other problems.