DigitalClock Jailbreak

One of the things that we love about iPhone’s Home Screen is that the Clock app’s icon is animated and has moving hands to show the right time in real time. But what we don’t like about it is that Apple offers only analog option for this.

If you are also tired of this display, then you can check out this newly released and free jailbreak tweak known as DigitalClock by iOS developer Chr1s. With the help of this jailbreak tweak, you can easily replace the Clock app’s animated analog clock Home Screen icon with a digital clock icon. Moreover, you get a lot of customization options with this tweak to configure the appearance.

What DigitalClock does is that it displays the time in the new digital version on the Clock app’s icon where the hour is displayed on the top and the minutes are displayed at the bottom. And on the right side, you will see the icon displaying A.M or P.M, depending on the time of the day.

Once you have installed DigitalClock, you will have access to a preference pane in the Settings app where you can configure the tweak as you like. Here, you will find the following options:

  • Turn on or off DigitalClock whenever you want
  • Select a color for the background of the app icon
  • Select a color for the hour display of the app icon
  • Select a color for the minute display of the app icon
  • Select a color for the A.M/P.M display of the app icon

One thing to keep in mind is that the Status Bar of your device does display the time in digital format so using this tweak to display the time in digital format on the Home Screen icon might be a little redundant too, more so because analog format was considered a novelty rather than a way to tell time. But keeping that aside, it is good that you have a choice to switch to the digital format, especially since there are a lot of people who don’t know how to read an analog clock.

If you are interested in trying out the new DigitalClock tweak, then you can do so by downloading this tweak for free from the Packix repository via your favorite package manager. The tweak is currently supported on the jailbroken iOS 14 devices.

Do you like your clock to display time in analog or digital form? Let us know if you are planning to use DigitalClock jailbreak tweak in the comment section below!