BlackBerry's cybersecurity update: ARM64 macOS virtualized on Linux

BlackBerry publishes a method to virtualize the ARM64 version of macOS.

Cybersecurity is the most demanded skill in the technology of today. The age of the 21st century, 2021, demands better cybersecurity integrations that can protect a system and software in the strongest way. Hackers have developed ways of parsing into the systems and PCs and stealing data. This can affect the personal data of users and harm private property.

This is why cybersecurity is given much importance in today's time and a must-wanted skill of 2021. Talking along the same lines, BlackBerry's cybersecurity team has shared a new report and details on how ARM macOS kernel can be emulated on intel chips for Apple silicon security research. Much to know about this. If you are intrigued about the update, then read on for more in this space. So, let's get started!

BlackBerry's new cybersecurity update:

BlackBerry has been the first to introduce the world to private messengers, dating back to the early 2000s. Now a lot of messenger applications are built on those references and lines. Even though big giants are emerging into electronic products, BlackBerry has not lost the field and is here to survive.

It has decided to upscale its cybersecurity with ARM macOS kernel that can be emulated on intel chips for Apple silicon security research. The report released by the BlackBerry research and intelligence team offered a method for security researchers and penetration testers to successfully emulate a macOS ARM64 kernel using the QEMU open-source machine emulator.

This macOS kernel can be used by security researchers for debugging and vulnerability discovery. BlackBerry claims that methodology illustrates how emulation can be used to manipulate and control a kernel and find critical bugs or patches on a marked kernel area.

BlackBerry's cybersecurity report:

BlackBerry, in its report, explains how recent developments in apple hardware have made it difficult for security researchers to keep up, and the need for ARM-targeted testing conditions is increasing. These emulations were released in response to apple silicon chips like the M1 and also growing demand for ARM64 processors in operating systems.

Plans are that the upcoming version of the Linux kernel is slated to offer initial apple silicon support. The BlackBerry team virtualized an ARM64 macOS environment on a Linux host machine equipped with an intel core processor. The method involved:

  • Downloading the macOS BigSur installer package.
  • Configuring QEMU.
  • Tweaking additional settings and also files.

BlackBerry has also published resources and additional details so that researchers or any other interested parties can emulate ARM macOS on their own machines. More information on this is available on the BlackBerry Cylance GitHub page.


With cybersecurity becoming essential for modern tech, it's essential to gear up the game and build reliable system firewalls that will safeguard privacy. BlackBerry has taken a step in the direction and published a method to virtualize the ARM64 version of macOS. A detailed elaboration has been mentioned in the above article. Let us know if it helped you in the comments below!