BigBoss repo is one of the most popular Cydia sources from where you can download and install tweaks, add-ons, widgets, themes, and apps on your jailbroken iOS device. Add to Cydia new repositories to access apps not available in AppStore. BigBoss Repository is installed by default with Cydia.
BigBoss Repository
All packages in BigBoss repo are available in categories so you can easily navigate through all add-ons, carrier bundles, data storage, development, education, entertainment, fonts, games, java, keyboard, localization, messaging, multimedia, navigation, productivity, ringtones, scripting, security, social, terminal support, themes, toys, utilities, widgets, etc.
The repository is packed with tweaks compatible with iOS 4 to iOS 13. You can find here thousands of add-ons including for Siri, ControlCenter, NotificationCenter, Spotlight, themes for SpringBoard, SBSetings, DreamBoard, utilities to block ads, backup apps settings, and more. What's more, it works also with Sileo.
After you will jailbreak iOS with unc0ver or checkra1n tool you should add new repost to Cydia Sources, like BigBoss Repository URL to access great applications and iOS tweaks. BigBoss repo is installed with popular jailbreak tools by default.
BigBoss Repository URL: (click to add to Cydia)
How to add BigBoss repo to Cydia
You are just a few steps from adding a new repository to Cydia Sources. Add BigBoss Repository to your list of Cydia Sources.

Step 1. Launch Cydia from home screen.
Step 2. Tap Sources → Edit → Add the BigBoss Repositor URL.
Step 3. Cydia will automatically refresh the Sources of the repository.