Once you will jailbreak your iPhone, iPad, or iPod device a Cydia app will be installed. The package manager allows you to download apps, tweaks, and libraries from different sources. We provide for you a list of the best Cydia Repos 2020 for the light and dark side of the Force.
Cydia app is installed by default by many jailbreak tools including unc0ver. It offers all the necessary features to install apps on jailbroken devices. The app is packed with few sources from where you can download packages. There is, of course, an option to add your own repositories to extend the software list.

A lot of developers from the jailbreak community are creating their own repositories for Cydia app allowing users to install packages on iOS devices. There are sources with free apps and tweaks, paid solutions, and hacked apps, etc. We share our ultimate list of 34 ultimate Cydia Repos and Cydia Sources.
How to add sources to Cydia
I think you are already know how to add new Cydia sources to Cydia app. If not, then no worries we will take you through this process. It is really easy to do, and I will guide you on how to add repositories to your Cydia sources correctly. There is a huge collection of useful Cydia tweaks available.

Step 1. Open Cydia and switch to Sources Tab.
Step 2. Tap on Edit button located in the right corner fo the app.
Step 3. Tap on Add button that will be displayed in the left corner.
Step 4. Enter the URL and tap Add Source.
Step 5. Cydia will update all repositories.
If Cydia did not find repository there can be two reasons for it. First, you provided the wrong link as the APT Cydia URL, or there is a chance that the repository is temporarily offline. We provide for you repositories links for Cydia, and on click, you will add automatically the new repo to Cydia Sources.

What are Best Cydia Repos 2020?
1. BigBoss Repository:
BigBoss repo is the oldest repository for jailbreak community used by default by Cydia app on jailbroken devices. You can find here themes, tweaks, apps, libraries, for the newest and oldest iOS jailbreaks. There are a couple of thousands of packages available for download.
Repo URL: http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/ (click on links to add to Cydia automatically)
2. ZodTTD & MacCiti (Archive) Repository:
ZodTTD & MacCiti was back in the days a must-have source for Cydia with all tweaks, apps, themes, for your iPhone. If you are using a modern device, you will probably don't use any of the packages available in this repo. Remove it to speed up Cydia.
Repo URL: http://cydia.zodttd.com/repo/cydia/
3. Bingner/Elucubratus Repository:
All the magic behind the jailbroken device is possible thx to libraries installed from this source. Bingner/Elucubratus is installed by default from Cydia and it comes with command-line tools working as a backend for most of the apps. This is a great source of tools for developers.
Repo link: https://apt.bingner.com/
4. MidnightChips Repository:
MidnightChips is the official repository for SnapBack app and few tweaks allowing you to enable iPhone X gestures on older devices, get rid of Syri, create iOS respring animation from any GIF animation, or remove iOS tab bar labels. All packages are available for free.
Repo link: https://repo.midnightchips.me/
5. PixelOmer's Repository:
This is a small repository with few tweaks for iOS devices. One of the most interesting utilities created by PixelOmer is Sileo Installer for unc0ver jailbroken devices.
Repo link: https://repo.pixelomer.com/
6. ModMyi (Archive) Repository:
ModMyi is an archive of old Cydia sources where you can find homebrew games, themes, apps, tweaks, fonts, and other packages used by jailbreak users since the first jailbroken iOS system. Today you can use this repository if you are still using old Apple devices.
Repo link: http://apt.modmyi.com/
7. nullpixel's Repository:
If you are using a jailbroken device it is always a good idea to back up your device blobs. From nullpixel repo, you can install the newest version of TSS Saver allowing you to save blobs with one click. There are couple more tweaks available for download.
Repo link: https://repo.nullpixel.uk/
8. Evelyn's Collection Repository:
If you are jailbreaking your device to use awesome widgets on Lockscreen or Homescreen this is a great source with over 200 widgets for XenHTML engine. Install also additional fonts to your system.
Repo link: https://evynw.github.io/
9. ConorTheDev Repository:
ConorTheDev is a new jailbreak developer providing free tweaks enhancing iOS features. Is this Cydia Source you can find free ModernPower tweak, Chrono (that adds seconds to Clock app), or Dragspring (drag down to respring from Settings app).
Repo link: https://repo.conorthedev.com/
10. SparkDev Repository:
SparkDev is a talented iOS developer offering in his repository SnowBoard Applications, and over 30 useful jailbreak tweaks including CCMusicArtwork, FreshWall, Hyperion, Melior, Myriad, Vesta, etc.
Repo link: https://www.sparkdev.me/
11. dgh0st Repository:
Collection of different tweaks for iOS.
Repo link: https://dgh0st.github.io/
12. UnlimApps Repository:
UnlimApps offers access to ++ tweaks for apps available in AppStore. Add new features to FB++, IG++, SC++, WA++, TK++, and more.
Repo link: https://beta.unlimapps.com/
13. Tela Repository:
This is a great repository with console emulators for iOS. Install apps like PPSSPP, Provenance, iNDS, or GBA4iOS and forget about certificate revokes.
Repo link: https://telaaedifex.com/repo/
14. Karen's Repository:
In this repository for Cydia app, you will find some interesting jailbreak tweaks like PreferenceOrganizer, MobileTerminal, or AirSpeakers. All available for free download.
Repo link: https://cydia.angelxwind.net/
15. xtm3x Repository:
xtm3x the developer behind Zebra Package Manager. This is the source from where you can download always the newest version of Cydia alternative app.
Repo link: https://xtm3x.github.io/repo/
16. Samg is a ninja Repository:
Samg is a ninja is involved in a lot of project including jailbreak tools. From his repo, you can download some tweaks including Sileo Compatibility layer.
Repo link: https://samgisaninja.github.io/
17. Packix Repository:
Packix is one of the most popular Cydia sources offering a collection of great and useful packages like Barmoji, BetterCCXI, Boxy 3, CallRecorder, and more. The repo offers free and commercial tweaks.
Repo link: https://repo.packix.com/
18. rko1195 Repository:
Contains a large collection of widgets and themes for popular engines.
Repo link: https://rko1195.com/cydia/
19. Nepeta Repository:
Nepeta is a female developer creating awesome free apps and tweaks for the jailbreak community. Download from this repo tweaks like UnSub or Relocate.
Repo link: https://repo.nepeta.me/ or https://old.nepeta.me
20. Julioverne Repository:
Julioverne creates great tweaks for older iOS devices including iOS 10 and 11. One of his tweaks LowerInstall allows you to download apps on not supported devices.
Repo link: http://julioverne.github.io/
21. c1d3r Repository:
From this source, you can install tweaks created by talented iOS developer such as PullOver Pro (multitask on iOS), ChargeAnimations (animations when charging your iPhone).
Repo link: http://c1d3r.com/repo/
22. Dynastic Repository:
Dynastic Repo is one of the best places to download the best tweaks for iOS 12. Buy and install tweaks like JellyFish, HomeList, Asteroid, LockDock, ShortLook, and more.
Repo link: https://repo.dynastic.co/
23. iDevice Hacked Repository:
The official Cydia Repo for iDevice Hacked offers useful tweaks and themes for iOS devices. There are no illegal cracks or hacks available via this repo.
Repo link: https://idevicehacked.com/
24. Limneos Repository:
Limneos Development is creating professional paid iOS tweaks and applications since 2010. This library includes AutoAnswer X, AquaBoard X, CallBar XS, VoiceChanger X, Answering Machine X, Audio Recorder XS, and BioProtect XS tweak.
Repo link: http://limneos.net/repo/
25. eXqusic's Repository:
A small Cydia Source with simple tweaks for jailbroken devices. One of the most popular tools created by eXqusic is AnimationsBeFast tweak to speed up iOS animations.
Repo link: http://exqusic.com/
26. Chariz Repository:
Chariz is one of the best repositories for Cydia offering a lot of tweaks and apps for iOS devices. You can find here free apps like NewTerm 2, or paid once like nControl tweak.
Repo link: https://repo.chariz.io/
27. TDMD Repository:
An interesting source of widgets and themes for Lockscreen.
Repo link: https://tdmd.github.io/
28. XenPublic Repository:
This is the official repository for Xen HTML and Xen Lockscreen packages. If you are using widgets on iOS lockscreen and homescreen you should use always the newest version of this tweak.
Repo link: http://xenpublic.incendo.ws/
29. ichitaso's Repository:
From this repository, you can download useful tweaks like YouTubePatcher to disable ads, QuickWiFi to switch connected networks, QuickCC to expend iOS Control Center, disable swipe gestures, and more. All tweaks are available for free.
Repo link: https://cydia.ichitaso.com/
30. gilesgc Repository:
All packages available from gilesgc repository are available for free. Find here some useful tweaks to customize the YouTube video progress bar, EasyBrightness to set a default brightness, or CCCalc adding calculator to iOS Control Center.
Repo link: https://gilesgc.github.io/repo/
31. Ryley's Repository:
Ryley Cydia Source is a great place to find patches to bypass jailbreak detection on iOS devices. Download free tweaks from this source including Liberty, Liberty Lite, MultiPatch, RDR2Patch, SpectrePatch, and Switch Patch.
Repo link: https://ryleyangus.com/repo/
32. Classicxii Repository:
From Classicxii Cydia Source you can download beautiful widgets for apps like LockHTML, XenHTML, and GroovyLock. Add date and time widgets to your home screen for free. Each widget offers an option to view screenshots from the description.
Repo link: https://classicxiirepo.github.io/
33. Baw Repo Repository:
Baw Repo contains useful Cydia tweaks mostly for iOS 12 and iOS 13. You can discover here jailbreak detection bypass tweaks, unlock Gboard haptic settings on iPhone 6s, useful lock screen tweaks, change carrier name, and much more.
Repo link: https://repo.co.kr
34. Twickd Repository:
Twickd is a new repo for Cydia offering access to free and paid tweaks created by the jailbreak community. The platform offers an easy option to but commercial tweaks using a PayPal account. It's required to register first to access all tweaks.
Repo link: https://repo.twickd.com
35. A kiiimo Repository:
Repo created by kiiimo is one of the most updated sources where you can find tons of hacked packages including game hacks and cheats, ++ apps hacks, ad removal tweaks, and cracked jailbreak packages. Everything is updated regularly in this cracked repo for iOS 13.
Repo URL: http://cydia.kiiimo.org
36. AppCake Repository:
From AppCake Repo you can download and install AppCake app, and AppSync Unified tweak allowing to install unsigned, fake-signed, or ad-hoc signed IPA packages on iPhone, iPad, and iPod.
Repo URL: http://cydia.iphonecake.com
37. HackYouriPhone Repository:
HackYouriPhone is a very popular Cydia source with cracked packages allowing you to install paid apps, themes, and tweaks for free. The repository is updated regularly with new packages.
Repo URL: http://repo.hackyouriphone.org
38. ReJail Repository:
ReJail is a huge Russian Cydia source with premium apps and tweaks available for free. Most of the cracked versions of apps are available in the Russian language. You can switch to English using Filza and removing the additional ru language from /Library/PreferenceBundles/.
Repo URL: https://rejail.ru