Ap0110 Jailbreak

In the last couple of weeks, jailbreak community has been on a serious roll. All the iOS 14.0 – 14.3 devices have been made jailbreakable now by both the unc0ver and the newly released Taurine jailbreak tool. That’s not all though, because the recently released kok3shi jailbreak allows the users to make their iOS 9.3 – 9.3.5 devices pwnable as well.

Now, it seems like the focus is on iOS 10 users as w212 and the Athenus Dev Team have started working together to release ap0110 which is an auto-executing semi-untethered jailbreak for 32 and 64-bit iOS 10.x devices.

The best thing about ap0110 is the auto-executing part and this is why. If you have been following the jailbreak comment thread or following the updates on the Sileo/Taurine/Odyssey Discord channel, then you might have learnt about the release of an untethered-like jailbreak. Well, this is that jailbreak but it is not as untethered.

The ap0110 is a semi-untethered jailbreak similar to other recent releases such as Chimera, Odyssey, Taurine, etc. What this means is that this jailbreak is side-loadable and needs to be re-signed if you wish to continue using it. So, what does untethered mean?

Well, this has been mentioned because ap0110 has an amazing script that will automatically launch and run the jailbreak app after every reboot. Basically, when the jailbreak app is signed on your device after a reboot, it can go into the jailbroken state automatically as the jailbreak app will run itself.

However, if ap0110 was as untethered as everyone claimed it to be before the release, then you wouldn’t even need to deploy it again after your device as rebooted. But since that needs to be done, we can consider this a semi-tethered jailbreak which comes with an interesting auto-deploying aspect.

But who is ap0110 for? As per the official website, ap0110 supports 32 and 64-bit iOS 10.x devices and has been tested on different firmware and device combination such as iPhone 5 running iOS 10.3.3, iPhone 5s running iOS 10.3.3., and so on.

Since this is open source, you can check it out on the Github page to learn how it works. One important thing to note about ap0110 is that to side load it, you would need to use Apple’s Xcode development software on Mac since AltStore and AltServer are not compatible with the devices.

So, what do you think about the new ap0110? Do you think it is worth a try? Let us know in the comments below!