AppSync Unified is a jailbreak tweak to install unsigned, fakesigned, or ad-hoc signed IPA packages on a jailbroken iOS device. Unified AppSync dynamic library is compatible with iOS 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, iOS 12, and iOS 13 (including A12/A12X). Install the library from official Cydia Repo. The latest version works also on iOS 13.6 and 13.7.
What is AppSync Unified?
AppSync Unified patches installd allowing you to install unsigned IPA files on iOS. AppSync can be used to clone installed apps, download fakesigned IPAs, and also to assist in the development of iOS apps using Xcode. Unlike Cydia Impactor there is no 3 app limit per device or 7-day certificate.
AppSync Unified should not be used to pirate iOS applications. Please support developers and don't use cracked versions of apps. The developer behind AppSync is creating also AppCake, the free platform for iOS devices allowing you to install paid AppStore apps and games for free.
After jailbreaking iOS using tools like unc0ver or checkra1n you can patch any IPA package downloaded directly on your iPhone. Install AppSync Unified and forget about certificate revokes, not working apps, faded icons, etc. Also, apps installed from 3rd party App Stores should work.
How to install unsigned IPA on iOS
You are just a few steps from installing the tweak from Cydia Sources. To add AppSync Unified Repo to your list of Cydia Sources follow our step-by-step guide.
Step 1. Open Cydia and navigate to the Sources tab.
Step 2. Tap Edit → Add and enter the official AppSync Unified repo.
Step 3. Search for "AppSync Unified" and install the newest package from the added repo.
Step 4. Download IPA file in Safari browser.

Step 5. Copy file to Filza file manager.
Step 6. Open the file and click Install.
Step 7. Access the app from Home Screen.
AppSync Unified can be also used to downgrade installed apps. The library utilizes the dynamic hooking function MSHookFunction() in Cydia Substrate to bypass installd's signature checks. This means the tweak does not modify any system files and is more stable and safe as a result.
Version 84.0
- Now with support for iOS 13.7
Version 82.0
- Added support for iOS 13.6.1
Version 80.0
- Now with iOS 13.6 support
Version 78.0
- Now supporting iOS 13.5.1 and 13.5.5~b1
Version 76.0
- Added iOS 13.5 support
Version 74.0
- Now with iOS 13.4.1 support!
Version 72.0
- Adds iOS 13.4 support.
- Blocks a few more modified package IDs found out in the wild
Version 70.0
- Fixes an issue where AppSync Unified would sometimes not work for some users that have arm64e (A12/A12X) devices.
Version 68.0
- Minor update that resolves an edge case where users using the Meridian jailbreak on iOS 10 (which uses Substitute and not Substrate) would be unable to install AppSync Unified due to an oversight in the dependency resolution logic
Version 66.0
- Minor update that eliminates the rare case where users with broken versions of Substitute installed would fail a dependency resolution check, prompting their package manager to try and uninstall Substitute along with all their tweaks
Version 65.0
- Now compatible with all iOS 12 and 13 versions up to 13.2.2 for all devices