Apple's new kid safety feature

Apple has released a global Messages feature that blurs images with explicit content to protect children.

The tech giant's safety-related communication in the Messages feature was designed for the automatic blurring of images with any type of nudity that children send using the Apple service.

The feature was first introduced in the US in the past year and is currently available in Australia, the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

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The News:

Apple's "communication safety in messages" feature, created to automatically blur images with non-essential information sent to children via the messaging service the company, is now available to other countries.

After its launch in the US in January of last year, it is now available in the Messages apps for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS for those in countries like the UK, Canada, and New Zealand, as well as Australia. It is not known when exactly, but the Guardian reports that this feature is expected to be available to users in the UK "soon."

Scanning takes place on the device and doesn't alter the encryption end-to-end messages. The functionality, which is linked with Apple's current Family Sharing system, may be enabled by following the instructions here.

The opt-in feature checks images that are sent and received in search of "sexually explicit" content to safeguard children. If the images are found to be sexually explicit, the image is blurred, and instructions are given for getting help, along with assurances that it's safe to see the image and to end the discussion.

You're not alone, and you're able to get assistance from someone you trust or through trained professionals, says the pop-up message. "You can also remove this individual."

In the initial release in the US, children can choose to communicate with their trusted adult regarding an image that has been flagged. When Apple first introduced the feature in August, it stated that the notification would be sent by itself. The critics were quick to point out that the original plan could have resulted in sending out gay children in front of their families, which could be misused.

Apple has also stepped up the launch of a brand new feature that is available for Spotlight, Siri, and Safari search results that directs users to safety resources when they are searching for information related to sexual assault on children.

In addition to these two child security tools, Apple originally announced the third initiative in August of last year that required the scanning of photos for sexually explicit material (CSAM) before uploading them to the account of the user's iCloud account.

This feature, however, drew massive protests from privacy activists who claimed it was creating a backdoor that could affect the security of Apple users.

Apple then announced that it would hold off on the release of the three features to address concerns. After releasing the initial two functions, Apple has yet to inform users of the time when the controversial CSAM detection feature will be available.

How to turn on communication safety on screen time?

You can turn on security for communication at any time through the Screen Time settings for your child's account:

  • If you have an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, open Settings and then Screen Time. If you're using a Mac, go to Settings > Screen Time. On a Mac, select Apple Settings > System Preferences and select Screen Time. (If you're not yet turning off Screen Time, use parental controls to enable it.)
  • Enter the name of a kid within your children's list.
  • Click on Communication Safety and tap Continue.

  • Make sure to turn on "Check for Sensitive Photos." It is possible that you will be required to enter your Screen Time passcode for the device.
  • You can disable your child's safety when communicating at any time within Screen Time settings.


It is very necessary to control what your wards watch on the web.

Exposure to bad things could automatically ruin their thought process. Which in turn could lead to more problems in the future.

That is why time and again Apple is bringing out new innovations to their devices so that streaming the web could be a safe and learning experience.

So, if you too want to keep your children safe from nudity and vulgarity on the web then, update your device right now. So your ward can enjoy a safe and seamless streaming experience.