The latest news from Apple is that it has released a new platform for elementary school coding. Apple has named this project "Everyone Can Code Early Learners."
So, let’s talk and know a bit more about it. Shall we?
The News
Apple has released numerous new tools for students in elementary schools, including a brand-new "Everyone Can Code Early Learners" activity guide. The new guide expands Apple's curriculum materials from kindergarten to college. This latest update is part of the company's Everybody can code project, which seeks to assist parents and educators in introducing programming to children at an early age.
The Everyone Can Code Early Learners guide will enable students from kindergarten to third grade to develop a solid foundation in fundamental coding concepts by incorporating a range of areas of study, including art, music, and science, as well as physical education.
For example, Apple notes that students learn about programming commands by dancing. Another exercise asks students to discuss techniques for calming to facilitate social-emotional learning.
Apple is also encouraging teachers to take part in its 1-hour accessible "App Design" activity session. The new course is designed to assist teachers in guiding their students in recognizing the significance of inclusion and accessibility when designing apps.
The class aims to help students think through how to develop apps. In addition, the class will allow students to discover the issues they are enthusiastic about and design solutions.
Apple has also added support for a tool for a survey called "exit tickets" within its Schoolwork application. The tech giant says that exit tickets provide an opportunity for teachers to monitor students after or during classes by asking questions that aim to measure the students' reactions and involvement. Teachers can also now set up homework accounts for students quickly.
It is available for download as an Everyone Can Code Early Learners guide. It is available for free download for parents and teachers on The guide will be available with support for English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swedish, as well as support for additional languages in the future.
Apple has expanded its Everyone Can Code program over the years and is now accessible to more people of all ages. In the year 2019, Apple launched a program called Everybody Can Code Puzzles that aims to encourage students to play around with concepts. In the year prior, Apple introduced Everyone Can Code Adventures, an updated program that includes more advanced activities and games.
The Advantages of Teaching Elementary School Students to Code
1. Coding teaches children to become problem solvers.
Writing code, designing websites, and creating simple games with apps like Kudo will assist children in solving issues, which can, in turn, help them tackle problems outside programming. Children can see issues as a problem that needs to be addressed instead of an indication to stop. This helps them learn from the work they have already done since they don't fear the possibility of failure.
2. Coding makes children think.
"Computer programming is more than simply teaching kids how to enter lines of code. It's also teaching them how to think in new ways." You must be able to think rationally to code efficiently. Children must be able to perceive the big picture and break it down into smaller parts to be able to tackle the problem in an effective way. This is known as decomposition among coders. They should be able to develop their brains and come up with ways to get out, even if they fail.
3. Coding expands the child's imagination and creativity
If children are taught how to code, they have the opportunity to become comfortable and be able to create something new and exciting.
4. Coding will also help to improve their academics.
Coding can help students learn to plan and organize their time. This helps improve their abilities in writing as well as general planning of assignments. In addition, coding requires students to incorporate math into their everyday activities, which naturally enhances their math proficiency. They need to be able to calculate and solve challenging or straightforward issues.
The world is changing, and coding is a valuable skill to possess. Many industries rely on the use of coding. Coding with computers isn't just used in the tech sector; it is also used in health, finance, and other fields. When kids learn to code, they'll have an advantage in the future. They can be employed in any industry and get more opportunities to work soon.
This new project from Apple needs a special mention as it helps elementary school children to learn to code.
And we sure hope that this new initiative will ignite hundreds of young minds into learning AI, machine learning, and other complex computing skills for their ultimate benefit in the long run.