Download Yahoo! Messenger
Are you a fan of connecting with friends by using old school instant messaging services? Yahoo Messenger is a free app that makes it possible for you to view and send friends instant messages when they come online. In your Yahoo Personals or Yahoo Mail accounts, or when your Yahoo Calendar records upcoming activities, you might also be alerted to new e-mails.
Crafted by Yahoo! Inc., Yahoo Messenger supports firewall support, a standby mode that minimizes the software before an Internet connection is made, the ability to print and save your conversations, and a tabbed interface that offers quick access to your favorite markets, news, and sports scores.
With brand-new features, the new Messenger version has been revamped. Without them, you can share images instantly, upload animated GIFs, and even send messages. It is available on your Android web browser, iPhone, mobile, and on the web.
Features of Yahoo! Messenger
Yahoo! Messenger, is an ad-supported instant messaging client and a related protocol supplied by Yahoo!. Besides instant messaging features similar to those provided by ICQ, Microsoft Windows also offers features such as IMVironments (customizing the look of Instant Message windows), address book integration, and Custom Status Messages.
Yahoo! Messenger's most remarkable characteristics include the ones highlighted below.
Chatting in Groups
The new Yahoo! Messenger enables discussions in private groups. Yahoo! Chat is a free online chat room service provided exclusively for Yahoo! Users.
Chatting via Audio and Video
Yahoo's software enables users with newer versions to use webcams. This choice allows users from distances all over the world to view those who have built a webcam on their end. The service is free of charge, offering average speeds of between 1 and 2 frames per second. The resolution of the image can be seen starting at 320x240 pixels or 160x120.
Exchanging & Sharing Files
Yahoo! Messenger gives file sending capabilities to its users. Each of the files could be up to 2 GB. After the software's relaunch, only those media files can be shared: images, animated GIFs, and videos. Album sharing, with many media files in one instant messenger, is also possible. Function Animated GIF, owned by Yahoo! Compatible with Tumblr.
Liking Feature
With a similar button, the new Yahoo! Messenger added messages and media. When clicking, adding a heart, and listing contacts that add a like, it was fundamental in simplicity. Tap on a message or picture to tell the sender you like it.
Unsend Button
Regret a message that you sent out without much thought to what the repercussions could be like? Simply tap it and select 'Unsend' to delete it from the discussion. The latest Yahoo! Messenger makes it possible to unsend messages, removing them from both the sender and the recipient's messaging page.
Download and Install Yahoo! Messenger for Windows PC
You can easily download Yahoo! Messenger from the link on top of this page of our website, available free of charge on the internet. Run the setup installer after downloading to complete the simple installation process.
Now you are all set to chat with your buddies wherever, whenever you want through text, voice, or video. Just start the app and begin unlimited chatting. Enjoy messaging!