Download Win Update Stop
With Win Update Stop you can manually disable or enable automatic Windows updates for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 (32\64-bit). Sometimes you may want to stop Windows updates so you can choose when to download and install new Windows updates.
Using Win Update Stop you can manually disable or enable automatic Windows updates for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (32\64-bit). Sometimes you may want to stop Windows updates so you can choose when to download and install new Windows updates.
Windows updates are very important but they are also known to occasionally create some incompatibilities or problems with the Operating System and the applications installed. Use Win Update Stop to block Windows updates and re-enable them when you desire.
There is no built-in option to permanently disable automatic Windows updates via Control Panel or Settings App in Windows 10, and by default Windows automatically installs any update found. Win Update Stop allows you to stop Windows updates with one click.
Win Update Stop is a simple tool to disable and stop Windows updates. The software supports Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. You can control Win Update Stop from the user interface or from command line.
The user interface is the most convenient way to turn off Windows updates. Win Update Stop offers also quick access to Windows system tools including Windows Updates, Registry Editor, System Information, Windows Firewall, Disk Cleanup, Windows Services, Task Manager, Windows Features and UAC Settings. The Win Update Stop download contains installer for Windows.
Win Update Stop command line example
Disable Windows Updates
WinUpdateStop.exe /disableupdates
Enable Windows Updates
WinUpdateStop.exe /enableupdates
Version 1.4
- The program now installs a Windows service to auto-disable Windows updates if they get re-enabled
- Removed the "portable version" due to the now-required Windows service
- Improved disabling of Windows Updates on Windows 10 1803 "April 2018 Update"
- You can now close the program (and its other windows/forms) via ESC key
- Added option to "Notify me if there is a new version available" (enabled by default)
- Added a simple help\FAQs file (open it from main menu Help -> Help File)
- Added a new option on main menu Help -> Check for Updates
- Added a new option on main menu System Tools
- Improved installer/uninstaller script
- Minor fixes and optimizations