Download VoiceMeeter Banana
VoiceMeeter Banana is a software that specializes in audio streaming that is available to be downloaded free of charge. This software was designed keeping in mind for people who want to launch their very own podcast. The software offers users a wide range of other types of other different kinds of useful applications. This makes it possible for users to edit their voice and also add in different kinds of special effects so that the product is ready for streaming.
The software is designed for users in a simple way to enhance their audio streaming capabilities without the user having the need to look anywhere else for streaming options. As the process of audio streaming itself, the software can also take several hours for the users to learn how to use the software effectively, and some people may become frustrated with the process. The software was made like one of those pieces of software you didn't know the user needed, but then the user can't work their streams without. The software is elegantly designed, and once the user figures out the basics, it's not particularly difficult to use.
Making Opinions Heard: The software is known to come with many more kinds of features are available in most other software solutions of this type. But one of the most effective and useful of these features is the voice editing feature which makes it is possible for users to take out vocal faults such as stutters and another kind of issues so that the vocals are made clear and crisp. Users can also make their voice sound higher or lower as per they wish and even slow down or speed up their rate of speech so that it sounds more appealing.
Adding Output Devices: Each individual audio output can be controlled with the slider and adjacent controls in the bottom right of the software window. The slider in the software has a ton of range that can be used for getting volume just right, but users can also mute each individually, add EQ settings, or the user can go from stereo to mono if the user wishes to do so.
Input Devices: The principle of the software is the same as outputs. The only difference is that input doesn't have to be hardware. With the help of virtual cable, the user can tell the software to treat an application on your PC like a piece of hardware and deliver it into the mixer.
Virtual Inputs: If the user wants to monitor their microphone, for example, without mixing it with any other audio or sending it to your stream, the user can set its output to be your headphones and mute everything else.
Streams: The software allows the user to stream their podcasts on different platforms like XSplit or OBS seamlessly without any hassles. The stream is sent to the B2 channel in the software that will be pulled into XSplit.
Installation Requirements for VOICEMEETER BANANA
To install the VOICEMEETER BANANA on PC, make sure that the following requirements are met by the user in the PC desktop.
PC – Make sure that your PC is on Windows 7 or higher with at least 4 GB of RAM.
Compatibility Mode is enabled.
How to Download VOICEMEETER BANANA on Windows
Follow the below steps to download and install the VOICEMEETER BANANA on your PC:
Go to TUNEUP UTILITIES’s website, and go to Downloads.
Click on Download Now.
Select ‘Save’ to download the program. The file will be saved in the Downloads folder.
If you want to save in a specified folder on your desktop, then click on ‘Save As’ and select the folder you want the program to be saved.
After the download is complete click on the .exe file.
The installation process will start.
Run the installation package.
Wait until the update completes
Follow the Windows installation instructions and select options accordingly.
Click on Finish to complete the installation.
The program icon will appear on the desktop.
Select the icon to start the application.