Download Type light
Type Light is a free application created to edit and design fonts. The program also allows you to convert OpenType, TrueType, PostScript, and has a database of over 65 thousand glyphs.
One of the main features of Type light is able to create from scratch your own fonts. For this purpose we have available some basic tools including selection, drawing, creating curves, shapes and lines. Among other features we can find the ability to edit curves TrueType and PostScript fonts, the introduction of basic and advanced file names, modify parameters such as name, description or font metrics that map all the characters.

In addition to creating fonts app also lets you edit any font file. All the options offered and the tools offered by Type light can also be used to edit files.
The free version of the program has been deprived of the more advanced tools that cut, joining elements, transformation, import feature SVG vector graphics, import and transfer of glyphs between fonts or create your own action scripts that allow you to add font styles.