Download TimoCom
TimoCom is a transport market place where you can find cargos, vehicles and warehouses. The application is running in tray offering you access to all features from default Internet browser.
The software offers access to 4 main modules. Transport market where you can search for and add new cargos and available trucks, map allowing you to check the distance between loading and unloading places or calculate the price of gasoline, profiles where you can find database of freight forward and haulier companies, bid where you can compete with other regarding a offer. TimoCom software can be downloaded for Windows.

When you add new cargos to TimoCom market you can include to the offer information like loading and unloading places, required truck, size and weight of the goods, additional equipments, price, payment term etc. There is also a option to create offer template. TimCom was designed to contact people using e-mail or phone.
TimoCom offers also a build-in instant messengers so you can quickly contact carriers and clients. The communicator can send only text messages, check the online status of contact, and access all company data. TimoCom allows you to use advanced option to search for carriers with options like available trucks, country, or road relations done and much more.