Download SSD Tweaker Free Edition
SSD Tweaker Free Edition is a program to optimize all operation of Windows system installed on SSD drive. Using this software you can increase the performance of your SSD in few little steps. Start using SSD Tweaker now.
The application allows you to change the essential features of Windows in such way that the system runs more efficiently on high-speed flash drives. SSD Tweaker Free Edition allows you to change the setting of system components including file indexing, disk defragmenter, Windows services, Date Stamping, Boot Tracing, Windows Prefetcher, System Restore, Windows Vista Superfetch, as well as change the parameters of the cache, NTFS memory usage and disable file naming in format 8.3.
SSD Tweaker offers both, an option to manually modify settings, and offers a fully automated mode that optimizes all Windows processes. The application offers also a function allowing you to restore system configuration to the default settings at any time.
The program does not require installation and is compatible with Windows in 32 and 64-bit systems versions. Each time you modify application settings you must restart your computer to apply the new configuration.