Download SageThumbs
SageThumbs is an interesting application that adds the ability to preview thumbnails of graphics (PSD, AI, PDF, EPS, etc.) directly in Windows Explorer.
Extension SageThumbs outside displaying thumbnails of image files (supports more than 162) also interfere in the context menu of Windows Explorer. By clicking on any image file, right-click you have access to the preview images, additional information about the file, the copy function graphics to the clipboard, send thumbnails or the original file attached to an email, set wallpaper or convert the file to one of the following formats JPG, BMP, PNG or GIF.

In the context menu we also have access to the settings SageThumbs. With their level, we can define for which files the extension can generate thumbnails, determine the conversion quality for the different formats, exclude integration with context menu and clean or optimize the cache thumbnails.
If you want to expand the number of supported formats for more items just install the program on your system XnView. This will enable the generation of thumbnails for a further 26 formats.