Download Popcorn Time SE
Popcorn Time SE is a free application to stream the latest episodes of popular TV-Shows and movies available in cinema for free. This software aggregates several torrent websites allowing users to download or instantly watch all videos. Popcorn Time SE streams movie files directly from BitTorrent networks.
Download Popcorn Time SE for Windows, Linux, or Mac and get access to all movies and TV-shows for free. The movie app works on a 64 and 32-bit system and was tested to operate from Windows XP and up to Windows 10, Linux, and Mac OSX 10.7 and above. Always secure all downloads with a VPN connection.
Popcorn Time SE is often confused with PopcornTime app that is developed by a different team. Both programs are available for Desktop, iOS, and Android devices, but the SE version offers fewer features, and this way it's much easier to use. Movie database is the same but the app interface is totally different.

After you open Popcorn Time SE the start screen displays the movies list in the form of nice-looking graphics. From here you can click and view details about the movie, or switch to TV shows, use the icon graphic on the right side to search for titles, view favorites, go to the settings pane, or view information about the app.
Every video has its own short description with additional information like movie length, category, year of release, and rating based on 0-10 stars. Before the users will start watching the movie, there is an option to select subtitles language and video quality (450p, 720p, or 1080p). Wat's more, you can choose different sources.
In addition, all streamed movies with Popcorn Time SE 6.2 are downloaded in segments. It means that there is no need to download the full video. The clips will start playing when few megabytes are downloaded (everything else is processing in the background). Popcorn Time SE downloads are illegal in most countries.

Another advantage of Popcorn Time SE application is the ability to download movies in the background and cast the video to your TV. Popcorn Time SE supports devices like Chromecast or AppleTV. The player can display subtitles and allows you to automatically move on to the next episode if available.
Before you will watch the movie there is also an option to play a trailer in Popcorn Time SE. Select the source of download, choose subtitles, and start watching your favorite movies with Popcorn Time SE on Desktop. Popcorn Time SE offers access to hundreds of video materials and it works on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

The Setting page in Popcorn Time SE doesn't offer many options. Change the application language, select a default font size for subtitles, move and clear the cache folder on exit (removes automatically downloaded files), or alert the user if VPN connection isn't active. Integrated media player displays also actual download speed and number of connected and active peers.
Popcorn Time iOS
Popcorn Time can be installed on any iOS device like iPhone, iPod, iPad, etc. Popcorn Time for iOS offers access to movies and tv shows directly from your device. It supports also cast to Apple TV and downloads subtitles in many languages. Add your favorite shows to the watch list for quick access.