Download Pinnacle Game Profiler
Pinnacle Game Profiler is a game control software developed by PowerUp Software. The software was designed to help users play more games and give control to players to other software. The software helps add software support to the user’s PC for gamepads, joystick, etc. There are many other options available for power users to also customize or create hotkeys.
Features of Pinnacle Game Profiler
Works with any controller: This software allows users to let go of the traditional mouse and keyboard playing methodology and lets gamers embrace the new controller playing options. The list of options not only include standard gamepads like joysticks, yokes, throttles, and racing wheels that come from top manufacturers Saitek, MadCatz, Belkin, Logitech and Thrustmaster, but it also means that user can use popular console-style controllers such as the following:
1. Playstation 4 controller
2. Xbox Once controller
3. Xbox 360 controller
4. Logitech Chillstream
5. Nvidia Shield
6. Playstation 2
7. Playstation 3 controller
8. Wii Classic
9. Logitech Rumblepad 2
10. Med Catz 360 Pro
11. Rockcandy Gamepad
12. Afterglow Gamepad
13. Saitek Cyborg Rumble
14. Joytech 360 Joystick
15. Xbox Controller-S
16. Joytech 360 Joystick
17. Steel Series GamepadsEmulation Capabilities: Users can take full advantage of emulation capabilities with keyboard and mouse controller. The software is capable of emulating all types of devices which even includes gamepads to control Windows.
Game Profiles: The software allows user’s game profiles to be activated automatically when a game is launched.
Custom Commands: The software allows users to create their own commands by allowing any key to do anything as the user wishes. The custom keys can be applied even on the guide button on the Xbox 360 and also on similar controllers.
Button Capabilities: The software allows users to activate more features with buttons and controls by allowing users to use patented double-commands, toggles, cycles, unlimited macro capabilities, and multiple shift states.
Analog-to-Digital Conversion: The software allows users to get rid of the traditional analog controls by inverting axes and by adjusting sensitivity on-the-fly, which contributes to converting analog-to-digital capabilities.
Third-party apps: The software allows users to also make use of third-party apps while playing a game like making using of the push-to-talk or video capture features.
Profile Design: The software allows users to control their multimedia apps volume, home theatre system, screen resolutions and also other systems-related profiling. Users can take the help of the on-screen guide to help them through the process of creating profiles. Users can also design an image guide for their controllers to guide them carefully while assigning commands.
Installation Requirements for Pinnacle Game Profiler
To install the Pinnacle Game Profiler on PC, make sure that the following requirements are met by the user in the PC desktop.
PC – Make sure that your PC is on Windows 7 or higher with at least 4 GB of RAM.
Compatibility Mode is enabled.
How to Download Pinnacle Game Profiler on Windows
Follow the below steps to download and install the Pinnacle Game Profiler on your PC:
Go to Pinnacle Game Profiler’s website, and go to Downloads.
Click on Download Now.
Select ‘Save’ to download the program. The file will be saved in the Downloads folder.
If you want to save in a specified folder on your desktop, then click on ‘Save As’ and select the folder you want the program to be saved.
After the download is complete click on the .exe file.
The installation process will start.
Run the installation package.
Wait until the update completes
Follow the Windows installation instructions and select options accordingly.
Click on Finish to complete the installation.
The program icon will appear on the desktop.
Select the icon to start the application.