Download ORPALIS PDF Reducer Free
ORPALIS PDF Reducer Free is a fast PDF compression software that can reduce PDF files up to 80%. The software applies the most effective compression scheme based on data type. Documents are printable and zoomable without loss of quality.
ORPALIS PDF Reducer Free can also use several compression algorithms on images in order to surpass limitations of some compression schemes.
The software is able to decrease the un-necessary high resolution to reduce the file size without affecting the viewing experience.
Segments embedded images separate text, finds similar bitmap sections and makes optimized recompression.

ORPALIS PDF Reducer can remove the PDF files unwanted objects. PDF Reducer also automatically identifies the black and white papers and encodes them as plain B&W and reducing the file size.
You can also downsize a large variety of images and documents.
Add to PDF files the ability to be viewable for web-users even before the PDF file download is complete.
The free version displays a nag screen every 5 files and doesn't offer features like batch processing or multi-threading support and command line interface support.
Almost 100 input files formats are supported by PDF Reducer besides PDF.
We can work also with raster images formats such as TIFF, JPEG, PNG, JPEG 2000 and RAW camera formats.