Download LMMS (64-bit)
LMMS, formerly called as Linux Multimedia Studio is a digital audio workstation application program which is executed on a computer with appropriate hardware, by allowing music to be produced by arranging samples, synthesizing sounds, playing on a MIDI keyboard, and combining the features of trackers and sequencers. The software was developed by LMMS developers and was released in 2004. The application supports the Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API (LADSPA), LV2 only master branch, since 24.05.2020 and Virtual Studio Technology (VST) plug-ins which are on Win32, Win64, or Wine32). It is free software, written in Qt and released under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2).
Features of LMMS
MIDI: The software accepts soundfonts and GUS patches and can import Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) and Hydrogen files. The application can read and write customized presets and themes, and the audio can be exported in the Ogg, FLAC, MP3, and WAV file formats, and the projects can be saved in the compressed MMPZ file format or the uncompressed MMP file format. The software can use VST plug-ins on Win32, Win64, or Wine32, though currently the macOS port doesn't support them.
Compatibility: The software is available to use on multiple operating systems which includes Linux, macOS, OpenBSD, and Windows. It requires a 1 GHz CPU, 512 MB of RAM and a two-channel sound card.
Editors: The software contains different editors that consist of many features like Song Editor – for arranging your instruments, samples, groups of notes, automation. Beat+Bassline Editor for quickly sequencing rhythms, FX mixer for sending multiple audio inputs through groups of effects and sending them to other mixer channels, infinite channels are supported Piano Roll edit patterns and melodies, and an Automation Editor that is used to move almost any knob or widget over the course of the song.
Synthesizers: The software also contains several synthesizers like BitInvader which is a wavetable-lookup synthesis, FreeBoy which is an emulator of Game Boy audio processing unit (APU), Kicker which is a bass drum synthesizer, LB302 which is an imitation of the Roland TB-303, Monstro which is a 3-oscillator synthesizer with modulation matrix, Mallets which is a tuneful percussion synthesizer, Nescaline which is a NES-like synthesizer, Organic which is an organ-like synthesizer, SID which is an emulator of the Commodore 64 chips, Vibed which is a vibrating string modeller, ZynAddSubFX, OpulenZ which is a 2-operator FM synthesizer, Sf2 Player which is a Fluidsynth-based Soundfont player, TripleOscillator which is a 3-oscillator synthesizer with five modulation modes: MIX, SYNC, PM, FM, and AM, and Watsyn which is a 4-oscillator wavetable synthesizer.
Installation Requirements for LMMS
To install the LMMS on PC, make sure that the following requirements are met by the user in the PC desktop.
PC – Make sure that your PC is on Windows 7 or higher with at least 4 GB of RAM.
Compatibility Mode is enabled.
How to Download LMMS on Windows
Follow the below steps to download and install the LMMS on your PC:
Go to LMMS ’s website, and go to Downloads.
Click on Download Now.
Select ‘Save’ to download the program. The file will be saved in the Downloads folder.
If you want to save in a specified folder on your desktop, then click on ‘Save As’ and select the folder you want the program to be saved.
After the download is complete click on the .exe file.
The installation process will start.
Run the installation package.
Wait until the update completes
Follow the Windows installation instructions and select options accordingly.
Click on Finish to complete the installation.
The program icon will appear on the desktop.
Select the icon to start the application.