Download Garden Planner
Garden Planner software is used to design gardens, as well as generate reports containing information about the plants and all the other objects used in projects. Download Garden Planner for Windows and Mac using our links.
Among the key features of the program, you will find the opportunity to move, duplicate, rotate and change the size of objects or placing text descriptions on the draft. The database offered by Garden Planner allows you to find hundreds of ready to use components to design a garden with trees, flowers, buildings, walls, lawns, walkways, pools, chairs, cars, trampolines etc. The application also allows you to create your own library elements.

Created projects you can save, print, and export to formats like JPG, PNG, or GML. You can also modify the print parameters to activate the information about used objects, print a document in vertical and horizontal form, change the resolution of the saved file, display a line or guides etc.
Garden Planner lets you also print a report containing a used list of objects and save them to a CSV or TXT files. The test version of Garden Planner beyond the time limit adds to exported projects a watermark to prints and graphics files.