Download Gaia Family Tree
Using Gaia Family Tree you can create family trees and prepare for a family-friendly presentation in minutes. The software offers integrated online search with FamilySearch. Gaia Family Tree is dedicated to Windows system only.
Using the program is very simple. First, we need to collect profiles of family members and enter all the necessary data. Next step is to create links between family members. We select grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren etc. Using Gaia Family Tree you can fill such data as name, date, and place of birth, sex, date, and place of death. The software is GEDCOM compatible. Gaia Family Tree integrates with service FamilySearch and allows you to search for family members in the database accessible online. New FamilySearch access is currently available for members of The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints only.

You can also share your family tree with other family members by exploring it using the following formats JPEG, PDF, HTML, and GED. Gaia Family Tree allows you to view your family tree in three different diagrams. There is access to Complete, Linear, and Pedigree view. You have also an option to print your family tree in any of these view options. Moreover, you can share your family tree online via the servers producer and import-export data, search through existing family trees, find people, sync both ways and match/combine persons.