Download Fade In
Fade In Professional is a screenwriting software used by professionals writing for motion pictures, television, video games, the stage, radio, and more. Fade In Professional offers tools for outlining, organizing, and navigating, plus extensive screenplay formatting and robust tools for managing rewrites and revisions.
The software takes care of script formatting for you, automatically transitioning from scene headings to action to dialogue as you type. It includes a full range of standard screenplay styles. Use the built-in default styles, customize them, or create your own.
Control all aspects of page layout and appearance, and even tweak individual line lengths with a single keypress. Fade In keeps track of the character names and locations you use and can provide as-you-type autocompletion suggestions. The lists of characters and locations can be customized, sorted, and rebuilt.

There are also autocomplete lists for scene intros (INT., EXT., etc.), scene times (DAY, NIGHT, etc.) and more. You can even change character names smartly and automatically. Importing and exporting multiple file formats is easy with support for everything from text to HTML to Open Screenplay Format XML.
Opening, editing, and saving Final Draft (.fdx) documents is a snap — as is importing (and exporting) Rich Text Format (.rtf) (such as from Movie Magic Screenwriter), opening older versions of Final Draft (.fdr), working with Fountain, and opening Scrivener, Adobe Story and Celtx files.
With Fade In you can work on the same screenplay at the same time with multiple collaborators. Unlike other software that only allows one person to actually work on a document at a time, Fade In allows collaborators to work independently, with changes being reflected in all collaborators’ copies in real time.
Fade In is the only professional screenwriting software that allows you to insert images directly into your document, whether on the title page or within a screenplay itself. You can organize it and color-code it however you like, marking significant sequences, plot points, themes, characters, and more.