EZdrummer by ToonTrack

Download EZdrummer by ToonTrack

EZdrummer is a virtual drum software that was developed by ToonTrack Software. The software was released in 2006 and was considered as one of the world's most popular and successful drum plug-ins. The software raised the bar with subsequent versions of the software with a host of new, groundbreaking features centered on getting the user a personalized drum tracks quicker than ever before.


  • Groove Library: The software’s groove library is conveniently arranged in a ballad, halftime, mid-tempo and up-tempo structure and covers swing and/or straight variations in a number of styles and time signatures.

  • Tap2Find: the user can tap their desired rhythm directly in the interface, or the user can use a MIDI controller. The software will auto-quantize the user’s beat and list all grooves in order of closest match.

  • Filters: The software will help the user grooves manually by narrowing the user’s search down to a specific library, genre or play style, just to name a few options.

  • Browser: The software is capable of capturing all the user’s previously installed Toontrack MIDI.

  • Record: The user can use an e-kit or any controller to let the user record MIDI straight into the software. From there, the user will have endless options to customize or refine the user’s performance.

  • Song Creator: The user can drop their tunes into the MIDI drop zone, and the software will conveniently list all the user’s music files and fills them all with a similar feel and style. The user can then simply drag and drop to build the user track or let the software layout a complete song from one of its templates.

  • Song Track: The user can drag and drop any MIDI in the browser directly to the timeline to build the user’s song. All the user has to do is cut blocks, copy and paste other MIDI, add fills, auto-quantize which are just to name a few options.

  • Export: The user can drag their entire song to your desktop or DAW. The software also allows the user to render any MIDI directly to audio.

  • Power Hand: The user can drag to any drum or cymbal to instantaneously change the leading instrument while their music is playing.

  • Amount: The user can control the number of hits on a single drum or the whole kit in live, in real-time. This kind of feature is based on an algorithm that calculates the probabilities of where a real drummer would add or remove hits from the groove which means that the user changing the amount knob does not arbitrarily add or subtract hits from the groove block, but rather it uses information garnered from several thousand real drum performances. The user can even add in instruments that aren't playing in the user’s particular music by highlighting them and turning the knob.

Installation Requirements for EZDRUMMER BY TOONTRACK

To install the EZDRUMMER BY TOONTRACK on PC, make sure that the following requirements are met by the user in the PC desktop.

  • PC – Make sure that your PC is on Windows 7 or higher with at least 4 GB of RAM.

  • Compatibility Mode is enabled.

How to Download EZDRUMMER BY TOONTRACK on Windows

Follow the below steps to download and install the EZDRUMMER BY TOONTRACK on your PC:

  1. Go to EZDRUMMER BY TOONTRACK’s website, and go to Downloads.

  2. Click on Download Now.

  3. Select ‘Save’ to download the program. The file will be saved in the Downloads folder.

  4. If you want to save in a specified folder on your desktop, then click on ‘Save As’ and select the folder you want the program to be saved.

  5. After the download is complete click on the .exe file.

  6. The installation process will start.

  7. Run the installation package.

  8. Wait until the update completes

  9. Follow the Windows installation instructions and select options accordingly.

  10. Click on Finish to complete the installation.

  11. The program icon will appear on the desktop.

  12. Select the icon to start the application.