Download Defraggler
Defraggler is a free program to defragment and optimize files, folders and contents of entire hard disks. The tool has been designed in such a way to give the user maximum control over defragmentowanymi data. Works with HDD and SSD and supports NTFS and FAT32 file systems.
The application offers two modes for defragmentation of data: full and fast. Before the optimization process files, the user has the ability to perform rapid analysis of disk fragmentation. Additionally, the tool offers disk performance testing system, the mechanism that generates statistics and a map displaying representations of the files in the form of blocks. Defraggler is equipped with the optional hard disk free space defragmentation in order to prevent further fragmentation of the data.

Additionally Defraggler in the program settings you can define which file types to be optimized, which tracks and files to exclude from the defragmentation process, replace the system defragmenter, turn minimize the program window to the system tray, activate flares in background mode, or switch off the system after completion work.
Defraggler works with Windows Task Scheduler for scheduling tasks designed. Through which we can define how often data is to be defragmented, what time of day, etc.