Download Cyberduck
Cyberduck is a free client for services like FTP (File Transfer Protocol), SFTP (SSH Secure File Transfer), WebDAV, Amazon S3, OpenStack Swift, Backblaze B2, Microsoft Azure & OneDrive, Google Drive and Dropbox.
The application offers all the necessary features for managing files on servers. Among the main options Cyberduck it is worth to mention the possibility of queuing, upload and download files, compare the contents of directories, edit files using your favorite applications and automatically send them to the server, synchronize folders, set limits for the transfer and much more.

Cyberduck offers also basic functions like create folders, copying files, get URL links, search files, view information about access rights, delete files, send commands to the server console, or view hidden files. You can organize bookmarks with drag and drop and quickly search using the filter field. Cyberduck displays the history of visited servers with the timestamp of last access and allows to import bookmarks from third-party applications.
Advanced SSH features include support for Public key authentication, Keyboard Interactive (PAM) Authentication and one-time passwords. Support for various encryption ciphers (3DES, Blowfish, Twofish, AES, CAST) and Authentication algorithms (MD5, SHA1). You can also access archive and expand TAR & ZIP files remotely over SSH.