Download CopyQ
CopyQ is a free tool to store, view, manage and edit all copied data in the system. The program is a great extension of the system clipboard module.
This tool gives access not only to the last item registered in the system clipboard, but also all previous components including text, graphics or files. CopyQ integrates with the system and intercepts pressing Ctrl + C program not only monitors the clipboard, but also allows you to delete, add new or edit all items available in the list.

When you start CopyQ is available from the system tray as an icon. By clicking on it, we can podglądnięcia the history of the clipboard, call the program window, add a new item to the clipboard or temporarily disable logging mechanism changes in the glove compartment.
Another interesting feature available in CopyQ is a built-in data search. This feature is extremely useful when an application store large amounts of data.