Download CodeTyphon
CodeTyphon is an integrated development environment based on Lazarus IDE and Lazarus Component Library (LCL) libraries. The environment is based on Borland Delphi application. Its compiler FPC is being constantly developed to improve performance. The Lazarus IDE itself is developed using Lazarus.
Just like in Delphi 7 designing the program windows is done using drag and drop method, by selecting components and placing them on the window. CodeTyphon supports the following types of interfaces: WIN32 GDI, GTK + 1.2.x (Unix, Mac OS X), GTK + 2.x, Qt 4 (C ++) and Windows CE. Besides CodeTyphon it is one of the few tools for creating applications for PDAs (Windows CE, Qtopia). CodeTyphon has a graphical form designer with guidelines for aligning with adjacent components. There are numerous components for almost every software imaginable ready to be used.

CodeTyphon offers a large database of built-in components for application development. There are a lots of components not available by default in Lazarus IDE. Among the available controls you will find text, canvas, menus, buttons, progress bars, the text entry including passwords, canvas OpenGL, OLE container, video player or toolbar, network and web components, databases and much more. Further components can be added to the IDE by Lazarus Package Files (LPKs).
CodeTyphon allows you to compile native code for all supported platforms. Lazarus IDE is equipped with the optional prompting the syntax, the ability to create your own classes, modules, links to files, containers, modules, report and much more.