Cocos Creator

Download Cocos Creator

Cocos Creator is a game development toolkit based on Cocos2d-x, Cocos2d-html5, Cocos2d-js libraries, containing UI Editor, Animation Editor, Number Editor, Number Cruncher, and Scene Editor. The IDE allows you to create Lua and JavaScript games that can publish one multiple platforms.

Cocos IDE allows you to create games designed for desktop and mobile devices running on Android and iOS systems. One of the most famous games developed with Cocos Creator is Badland from Frogmind. The editor offers features such as syntax coloring, code hinting, search and replace, displays detailed information on used features or code formatting.

Cocos Creator

The program also comes with a module to create a visual interface for games and animate objects. Like other tools of this type, also Cocos UI Editor allows you to drag controls into the canvas window, generate particle, create events or keyframe animations. In the app, you can find also a project manager, a debugger that allows you to follow the code or a function to preview 3D models.

Additionally, Cocos Creator offers features including bookmarks mechanism designed to quickly switch between open files, a system to easily analyze code compiler, scenes editor and much more.