Download Bluestacks App Player
Bluestacks App Player is an emulator that lets you run applications and mobile games designed for Android devices in Windows and Mac operating systems. The software can be downloaded for free in Windows and OSX versions.
BlueStacks App Player emulator allows you to run in full-screen mode all applications and games created for Android system. By default, the app offers you several embedded games and apps that you can run and test. BlueStacks App Player can also download new apps, in the same way as you do it on Android devices.
The software uses LayerCake technology, which is responsible for smooth emulation of applications and games written for the ARM architecture (x86). Using BlueStacks App Player emulator you can not only play games but also run apps and synchronize your Android devices.
In addition, BlueStacks App Player allows you also to manage installed applications and user accounts on Android devices, and use the built supermarket in order to download new software and games.