Download Autodesk DWG Trueview
Autodesk DWG is free-to-use software that provides users with tools to open, view, plot, and convert drawing files that are created with AutoCAD-based products. The interface in this application is limited to a small subset of the standard AutoCAD tools and is fairly easy to use and learn. The software was built on the same platform as AutoCAD, which is an industry-standard, paid-for computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting software application. The software allows the users to view the latest DWG, DWF, and DXF file formats, just as the user would do in AutoCAD, but without paying a license fee.
Features of AUTODESK DWG
Files: The software allows users to open and view different types of DWG and DXF files.
Geometric Drawings: The software allows users to extract geometric information from drawings such as distance, mass and volume.
DWG Files: The software allows users to plot DWG files to a plotter.
Creation of Files: The software allows users to create PDF, JPG, PNG, or DWFx files from DWG files.
Publish Drawings: The software allows users to publish sets of drawings or sheets to a plotter, DWF or DWFx file.
Compatibility to AutoCAD: The software allows users to convert DWG files forward and backwards with versions as early as AutoCAD Release 14.
Drawings: The software allows users to share AutoCAD drawings easily and accurately among engineers and architects.
Data Reliability: The software allows that the user is ensured the integrity and reliability of their data.
E-Transmit Technology: The software allows users to use the AutoCAD eTransmit technology to bundle a complete file set for conversion.
Non-Editing Tools: The software contains all the non-editing functions that come with AutoCAD are available which include DWG Convert, which allows users to create older DWG versions (such as AutoCAD 2000, 2004 etc.) from the current file.
Paper Printouts: The icons in the software under the Output tab are related to plotting, such as the Plot icon, which the user can use for making a paper printout. The Batch Plot icon is useful for publishing a drawing or group of drawings in DWF, DWFx, or PDF formats. It can also be used for taking a plot of a collection of drawings.
Useful Additional Enhancements: The user can enhance the software’s full capabilities by adding Design Review, which is another Autodesk product. This add-on extends the feature set of the software viewer by letting users view, mark up, print, and track enough changes to 2D and 3D files for free. The feature is particularly useful in a collaborative setting as it allows the user to add comments, information, and other files.
Installation Requirements for AUTODESK DWG
To install the AUTODESK DWG on PC, make sure that the following requirements are met by the user in the PC desktop.
PC – Make sure that your PC is on Windows 7 or higher with at least 4 GB of RAM.
Compatibility Mode is enabled.
How to Download AUTODESK DWG on Windows
Follow the below steps to download and install the AUTODESK DWG on your PC:
Go to AUTODESK DWG ’s website, and go to Downloads.
Click on Download Now.
Select ‘Save’ to download the program. The file will be saved in the Downloads folder.
If you want to save in a specified folder on your desktop, then click on ‘Save As’ and select the folder you want the program to be saved.
After the download is complete click on the .exe file.
The installation process will start.
Run the installation package.
Wait until the update completes
Follow the Windows installation instructions and select options accordingly.
Click on Finish to complete the installation.
The program icon will appear on the desktop.
Select the icon to start the application.