Download Affinity Designer
Affinity Designer is a fast and precise vector graphic design software. It can be used to work on branding, concept art, print projects, icons, UI, UX, or web mockups. Affinity Designer is available for Mac OS and Windows systems.
Affinity Designer offers all the tools you need in a professional vector design app, from an incredible precise pen tool to a super smooth gradient tool. Vector tools include Node Tool, Pen Tool, Pencil Tool, Vector Brush, Gradient Fill Tool, Transparency Tool, Crop Tool, Targeted Insert, Text and Alignment Guides.

The software offers the best PSD import engine available and full support for SVG, EPS, PDF, PDF/X and FH files. Add artistic text for headlines, text frames of any shape, or text that follows any vector path. Apply sophisticated styling and ligatures, previewing all your available fonts and style sets in on-screen panels.
Pixel perfect control allows you to preview in real-time standard or retina resolution with a single click. Affinity Designer has a full suite of raster tools too. You can use some basic tools like Lasso Tool, Selection Brush, Pixel Brush, Paint Brush, Eraser, Dodge, Burn, Smudge, Blur and Sharpen.
There are also available options like Adjustment layers, Layer effects, Blend modes, 10,000,000% zoom, Instant undo, Tablet support. In the export mode, you get a complete workspace dedicated to image export. Select areas, layers or objects to export, controlling each item’s output settings independently.

Affinity Designer trial version works for 10 days.
With a focused, fully customizable workspace, including docked and floating UI modes, Affinity Designer lets you work how you want. Add regular and custom 2D and isometric grids for flexible layouts, work on multiple designs at once.
Plus, with savable history, unlimited undo and non-destructive filters and adjustments you can always go back and change your mind. For efficient web and UI design, you can automatically create new files whenever your design changes, in whatever resolution, file format, and folder structure you wish.