
Download ArtRage

ArtRage is a powerful app for painting and drawing images on your computer. This digital artist’s studio with a full range of familiar tools that look and work like the real things. It’s a canvas for thick, expressive oils and delicate watercolors, a sketchpad with a full set of pencils, and a sheet of paper with a stack of wax crayons all in one.

The program comes with tools such as brush, pencil, spatula, eraser, tube of paint, nib with transparent ink, selecting, cloning or the color picker. Tools are imitated in a very realistic way, and the inks can be mixed and overlap. Of course there were also the application layer support. ArtRage also offers features enabling the painting symmetrical with respect to multiple axes, and as a canvas, you can choose from several kinds of paper of any color.

Screenshot of ArtRage software running on Windows 10.

ArtRage works great with a graphics tablet. Depending on the speed of the brush, paint is being applied with varying intensity. If the tablet supports detection angle of inclination, ArtRage can use this information to draw and changes the angle of the virtual tool for painting. In addition, the editor can automatically choose the color consistent with background image under canvas.

ArtRage is used for traditional style art, graphic design, picture book illustrations, movie and video game concept art, scientific illustrations, fan art, comics, caricatures, abstracts, photo editing, special effects, product design and more. The demo version does not expire, but offers no save or export options and some minor limitations on custom resources.